Harden.Hardin.Harding Family
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Posted by Susan Hardin Austin, roundtuit@sbcglobal.net


Deed Book B Pg 437 - Laurens County 96 Dist.
Aug 14 1788 - William Cason and Ann his wife to Henry Hardin all of said county and district, 100 acres.

Deed Book C Pg 281 - 282
Aug 19 1790 - Henry Harden and Mary his wife to John Meek, 100 acres lying and being on a branch of Saluda called Bank Branch.
/s/ Henry Harden Mary (X) Harden

Deed Book E Pg 123
Feb 14 1794 - Between Frances Harden a poor girl of Laurens County by the consent and approbation of her father Henry Harden of one part and Elisha Holcomb blacksmith of Laurens County of the other part. The said Frances Harden has bound herself to Elisha Holcomb with him to dwell from the presnet date until July 08 1797 or until the day of marriage.
/s/ Frances (X) Harden (seal) Henry Harden (seal) Elisha Holcomb (seal)

Deed Book E Pg 123
Feb 14 1794 - Between Mark Harden a poor boy of Laurens County by the consent an approbation of his father Henry Harden of one part, and Elisha Holcomb blacksmith of Laurens County of the other part. The said Mark Harden has bound himself to the said Elisha Holcomb with him to dwell from the present date until Aug 14 1804 at which time he will be 21 years of age or until the day of marriage. The said Elisha Holcomb is to give the said Mark Harden to the amount of one year schooling and to teach him the blacksmith trade.
/s/ Mark (I) Harden (seal0 Henry Harden (seal) Elisha Holcomb (seal)

Deed Book H Pg 239
Nov 05 1805 - William Harding Jr planter to John McClure, both of laurens Dist, 75 acres on the waters of Bush River. Conveyed from John Gray to William Harding Jr.
/s/ William Harding Jr (seal)

Deed Book J Pg 4
March 17 1808 - John Simpson to John Cole, land bounding on William Harding Sr Land, Nathaniel McCoys land, John Simpsons land and Abram Johnstons land and on the waters of Bush River.

Deed Book J Pg 4
Mar 17 1808 - Abraham Harding mortgage to John Simpson merchant, personal property.
/s/ Abraham Harding (seal)

Deed Book J Pg 119
June 26 1809 - Joseph Wood to Daniel Mathis, 200 acres bounding on lands of Jobe Mayson, William Harding, Thomas Davis and John Davis, John Dalrymple, Kincaid and Joseph Wood.

Deed Book J Pg 269
Jan 30 1802 - Thomas Broughten of Edgefield Dist to William Hardin of Laurens Dist, 100 acres, it being part of 250 acres certified for Andrew Broughton Feb 101 1775. June 23 1812 proved by Thomas Gary. Recorded July 06 1812 John Garlington Reg.

Deed Book J Pg 269
June 20 1812 - William Harding to Nathaniel Vance, both of Laurens Dist, 100 acres, it being part of 250 acres certified for Andrew Broughton Feb 10 1775.
/s/ William Harding (seal) Wit: Jno Simpson
Newberry Dist SC June 28 1812 -Arrabella Harding the wife of William Harding did this day declare that she does freely release and forever relinquish all her right and claim of dower to the premises within mentioned.
/s/ Arrabella (X) Harding James William JP

Deed Book K Pg 162
Jan 15 1817 - I Henry Harding of the Dist of Laurens have this day set free, and forever emancipated by negro man Andrew supposed to be about 67 years old, which negro was left to me by my father William Harding.
/s/ Henry Harding (seal) Test: John House Jos Blackerby

Deed Book K Pg 256
Dec 31 1809 - We William Harding and John Monroe executores of William Johnson dec'd of Laurens Dist, for $324.50, 213 1/2 acres in Laurens Dist.
/s/ John Monro William Harding Executors
Wit: Nicholas Harding George Miller
Registered Aug 03 1819

Deed Book L
Mar 1824 - James H Lowry and Jane Lowry to James Hardin, all of laurens Dist, 80 acres on Bush River.
Registerd May 01 1824

Deed Book N Pg 170
Jan 18 1837 - Isaac Pits to Seborn Jones 57 acres lying on Walnut Creek. Bounded by lands of Seborn Jones from a staake corner near the road leading by Poplar Springs, then southwest then southeast to a corner on Aaron Clous land, the NE to a corner on J H Handins land.

Deed Book N Pg 181
Apr 13 1837 - Isaac Teague to James H Hardin, both of Laurens Dist, 228 acres lying on eh waters of Reedy River on a creek called Walnut creek.
Recorded April 17 1837

Deed Book N Pg 262 - 263
Drury Graden to Hastings Johnson, for $409.00 a negro girl named Betsey.
Wit: W F Downs Joseph Hardin

Deed Book 0 Pg 43
Dec 01 1838 - William Cook to Cary Pitts, 378 3/4 acres on the waters of Reedy river, known by the name of the Poplar Spring, bounded by lands belong to James Teague, John Walker, John Stephens, Reuben Stephens, Seabourn Jones, James H Hardin, John Milan and the said Cary Pitts.

Deed Book P Pg 21
Dec 31 1845 - Reubin Girffin to Elizabeth Lowe, 168 acres on the waters of Bonughs Creek, adjoining lands of Michael Burk and others.
/s/ Reubin A Griffin
Test Jas Clardy James H Harden



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