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Doctor Samuel Terrell Hardin - Obituary and Deceased Physician's Record NGS

Posted by Diane Hardin Norton, dhnorton@comcast.net

Dr. Samuel Terrell Hardin was the youngest son of William Hardin and his second wife, Minerva [not Marianna, as it says in the obituary] Chism, who were married in 1865. William Hardin (1806-1895) was the son of Elijah Hardin and unknown wife, members of a large contingent of settlers who migrated from Lincoln and Rutherford counties, North Carolina in the 1820s to the Tuscaloosa County, Alabama area. These settlers included Elijah's brother, the Revolutionary War veteran Joseph Hardin [National Archives pension file S13322], and family. Both Elijah and Joseph were sons of Jonathan Hardin of Rutherford County, North Carolina.

Dr. Samuel T. Hardin's older siblings were: Young J. Hardin, Zimri Hardin, Mary Emma Hardin, Fannie Belle Hardin, Vista Ann Hardin, and Amanda Ellen Hardin.

His father William Hardin's first wife was a young widow, Mrs. Elizabeth (Moore) Pickard. They were married May 1, 1832 and divorced in 1855. Their children, born between 1833 and 1842, were: Elizabeth Hardin, Sarah Hardin, Lucretia Jane Hardin, Tabitha Hardin, Louisa T. Hardin, and James Moore Hardin.

William Hardin, his wife Minerva, and their daughter Fannie Belle were buried at Shirley Cemetery in Tuscaloosa County.



The Tuscaloosa News , 17 May 1949:


Prominent Physician of Northport is Dead

One of Tuscaloosa's most distinguished physicians, Dr. Samuel T. Hardin, 72, died last night at his home in Northport of a heart attack. Dr. Hardin had been in ill health since suffering an attack last August. He had given up his practice. Dr. Hardin came into the field of medicine by way of a sister profession, pharmacy. He learned both professions the hard way.

Born in Tuscaloosa County, Dr. Hardin was the son of the late William and Marianna Chism Hardin. He attended local schools, but largely educated himself without the advantages of high institutional instruction. His first experience of note was as a young druggist in Northport. He operated his own drug store and pharmacy from 1898 to 1909 at which time he married Miss Susie Deason, daughter of the late Robert H. and Jennie Deason.

Received Medical Degree

Some years later, he matriculated at the old University of Alabama Medical College then located in Mobile. In 1914 he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine and began practicing.

Dr. Hardin probably delivered more babies than any other physician in Tuscaloosa. Besides handling a busy practice, he served this county as coroner for more than 30 years.

His last official act as coroner came last night two and one-half hours before he died. He went to a Tuscaloosa funeral home to examine the body of a child.

He was one of the first doctors in Alabama to use the method of spinal injection at childbirth. He had the reputation of being one of the best diagnosticians in the South.

Served as Teacher

For several years, Dr. Hardin served as associate professor of clinic obstetrics at the University of Alabama School of Medicine and has taught a young generation of students physical diagnosis.

He has served three terms of five years each as a member of the Tuscaloosa City-County Health Board, recently serving as chairman of the Board of Censors. He was a past president of the Tuscaloosa Medical Society and a member of the Southern Medical Association, the American Medical Association, and is a Fellow of the Gorgas Medical Association. Dr. Hardin was one of two Alabama physicians to win election to the Gorgas Medical Society, the membership which is considered the highest honor obtainable in the medical school.

Last Years Were Busy

During the year, 1943, Dr. Hardin handled a large general practice and also was physician for the city jail, and treated county, state and federal prisoners. He officiated for several insurance companies and was president of the staff of Druid City Hospital.

He was a member of the Tuscaloosa Civitan Club and a member of the Baptist Church.

Surviving him are his widow, a son, S. T. Hardin Jr., now a student in the pre-medical school at the University of Alabama; and two daughters, Mrs. Kathrine Sweeney, St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Sarah Homick, Jr., Connecticut; and a sister, Mrs. Sissie Eads, Tuscaloosa.

Funeral arrangements will be announced by Jones and Spigener.


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