Harden.Hardin.Harding Family
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Hardin's in Laurens County SC Estate Index Book

Estate Index Book located in probate office of Laurens County SC Court House

Images submitted by Pat Hardin / pfhardin@carolina.rr.com

Transcription (see bottom of page) by Travis Hardin / ke3y@comcast.net

Contents of
Date: 1841
Box: 98; Pkg 16
Estate of James H. Hardin
Administrator: James Clardy

Transcription by Travis Hardin

Transcription of photocopies at: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hhhdoc/we0001_i.html

Highlights: Jane Harden, widow. Her purchases and prices. Mentions three children, one named James H. Hardin, Jr. in document 11. Mentions 3 slaves sold: adults Robert and Esther to Jane Hardin, boy John Wesley to Robert Prichard.

(Document 01 - cover page)

Judge of Probate
Laurens County, South Carolina
Date: 1841
Box: 98; Pkg 16
Estate of James H. Hardin
Administrator: James Clardy

(Document 02)

South Carolina | To W. D. Watts, Ordinary of said District.
Laurens District |

The Petition of Jane Hardin Hunts that James H. Hardin late of said District recently died intestate. And your petitioner prays that a citation may issue in order that administration may be taken out on said estate. And your petitioner will pray on the 5 April 1841.

Jane Hardin
her mark
Test: W. D. Watts

(Document 03)

A printed administration bond, signed by James Clardy, Samuel Beaks, and E. F. Latimore (or Lattimon) on 7 June 1841. $4,000 was deposited with W. D. Watts. James Clardy is to make a true and perfect inventory or forfeit the deposit.

(Document 04)
A printed Warrant of Appraisement signed 7 June 1841
in which W. D. Watts directs James Clardy, adm., to send out to view and appraise all property before 60 days.
To messrs. Samuel Beaks, Wm. Arnold, esquire, John Walker: “On the 10th of July personally appeared before me, James Clardy, one of the justices assigned to keep the peace, Samuel Beeks, William Arnold esqr, R. L. Stephey, and John Walker, being three of the appraisers, were duly sworn. And return the appraisal on or before the 20th day of July inst: Reuben L. Stephens, Samuel Beeks, John Walker, Wm. Arnold.

(Document 5)
Sale Bill of the Goods and Chattles of the estate of James H. Hardin, deceased, sold the 28th Oct. 1841.
# cts
John Smith, Dr.
Lot of blacksmiths tools, plows, add, & 1.56 1/4
1 Steer 9.25
1 Spinning machine 40.00
735 B. fodder 2.29 ½

William South, Dr.
Lot of irons do lot of irons. .43 3/4
Pot Tack & 2 hogsheads .25

Jesse Clardy, Dr.
1 lot of irons, plow and stock .75
1 set Waggon Hubs 1.25

James Clardy Dr
1 harrow and lot of hoes 1.50
Hand ax & plow stock .68 3/4
200 bunches fodder .50

John Hambleton
Lot plows & ax .50
Loom and apparattes 2.87 ½

Emery Shaw
Two books 2.62 ½

Daniel Gotherd
1 pair steely _____ .75

Jesse Daniel
Grindstone .25

Thos. T. Taylor
1 cow and calf 11.75
(Document 6)
Amount brought over 77.33 1/4

John Pitts
2 old axes .62 ½

Abram Bolt Jus
Waggon and harness 38.00

James Studdards
1 cow and calf 10.75

William Weatherall
1 cow and calf 13.75
One oven .68 3/4
2 ½ bus wheat 2.35

Samuel Studdard Jr.
1 heifer yearlin 3.75

Samuel Austin
8 ½ bushels wheat 8.49

Jefferson Arnold
67 ½ bushels corn 27.70

Thos. Washington
1 gig and harness 7.12 ½

Delton Pitts
3 stacks fodder 3.06 ½
4 hogs 14.25
2 jars jug spinning wheel 1.06 1/4
1 rifle gun 2.06 1/4

G. W. Sullivan
9 head hogs 28.25
chest 1.75

Hardiman Sim[mo]ns
Iron _____ .37 ½

(Document 7)
Amount brot forward 241.31 1/4
David Boyd
One pen shucks 9.00
One jug .06 1/4
One hogshead .37 ½

Jane Harden (widow)
1 lot plows, ax, maddox and tools 3.00
2 hoes Shovel Plow stock JC .81
1 shovel, seythe, and cradle 1.56
1 cow 6.00
1 do. 1.00
2 sheeps 1.25
3. Head horses 89.25
160 bus. Corn 73.00
1 lot refused corn 11.55
16 geese 4.00
Pen shucks 3.12
10 head hogs 42.75
Do. 10 head 18.75
1 Walnut Table, Saddle & 2 pr. Gun 2.56
7 ½ Bus. Wheat and dairy sundries 7.11
Boxes Barrels and meat 2.68
Lot of kitchen furniture .81
Table tray and pot ware 1.06
Cupboard and contents Table & two wheels 1.75
Clock looking glass and cupboard 8.75
One lot books 2.50
Two beds and furniture 25.00
1 Set Winson (Brinson) Chairs, Smoothing irons
and piggin(?) 5.00
One Negro man Robert 670.00
One Negro woman Esther 770.00
Robert Pritchard
2 sheep and Saddle 3.50
One mare and colt 116.00
Negro boy John Westly 605.00

(Document 8)
Settlement on the Estate of James H Hardin and much? with admd James Clardy 9th September 1844. A rule having been published for three months in the Greenville Mountaineer to the parties for such settlement.

Present the administrator who ___ to account for a note on Robert Prichard and Henson Norris security balance of note 1 Jany. 1843 $633.04 upon the ground that the security was good at the time of sale.

Witness L. W. Madison sworn says he would have taken him as security at the time of J. H. Hardin’s sale for the amount of the sale bill which was over two thousand dollars.

Elim Madden sworn says he regard sev. Norris good for his debts up to the time he ------ his property which was in the winter of 1843. To smt. The sale bill including Prichard’s and Norris’s note with int. from 1 Jany. 1843 $2158.30.

[Follows lots of figures showing interest calculations, not transcribed.]

(Document 9)
Amt brot forward 1386.83
Amount widow’s share of whole amt 462.21
3 children each child share of whole amt 308.18
Amt of R Prichard and Hurdon Norris note
____ Int. balance to 10 Sept 1844 706.88

To be accounted, to wit; one item from widows
sheer and the other two thirds from the
children’s sheer, widow’s Int. in So? Note? $235.62
3 children 3/ 471.26
Each child Int. in _____ 157.08

Widows share of whole amt of sale bill
including Prob. and ___ $462.24
Amount Widow’s Int. in ____ 235.62
Am. To widow 10 Sept 1844 151.10

On hearing the evidence in this case and adjusting the accts. I find that the widow is entitled to the sum of two hundred and twenty-four dollars and 56 cents. And each child to the sum of one hundred and one dollars and 11 cents with interest from this date. After deducting the amount of Prichard’s note and interest for which with I am of opinion can if amt. chargeable having taken security that even 3000 at the term and ___ all the money in his horses to secure this debt. Given under my hand and seal this the 9th September 1844. It is further ordered that the ____ of Robert Prichard scrip be heirs to the widow ____ rasp? & the other

(Document 10)
and the other the third equally as vid. between the other children and thine he have an credit on his note for the amount.

W D Watts, O.L.D.

(Document 11)
Final Return of
James Clardy, admd. Of James H. Hardin 1845 Decr. 31. Paid J. H. Harden guard $164.31.

1844 8 Oct paid Jane Harden in her own right his shere 226.65

& also of the I L Pritchard and wife who purchased property at there sale, over 50---- 36, His shere

Paid James H. Hardin Jr. 151.10
And on above stated of Prichard’s shere 50.36

1847 bind Jinn Hardin atty. to Prichard and wife 68.86

Proven before me 11 Oct 1854.
W. D. Watts, O.L.D. James Clardy, Adr

The note of Robert Pritchard for his purchases at sale was transferred to Jane Hardin, James H. Hardin Jr. in his own right & as guard & / gates functionally arranged with the heading the admd. is then fires discharged from his trust.
W. D. Watts, O.L.D., 11th Oct 1854

Transcribed July 2010 by Travis Hardin, Huntsville, Alabama

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