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Will of Ignatius Hardin, Ohio, 1817-1863
Posted by: Terry Parks paroman@flash.net / 7049 Balcom Avenue / Reseda, California 91335 / (818) 342-1141
Perry County, Ohio Wills 1817-1863; Microfilm f1661;
Transcribed from: Book “A”, page 90: Will of, Ignatius Hardin, Deceased.
To all to whom these presents may come, Greetings; know ye that I, Ignatius Hardin, of Perry County, and State of Ohio being in a state of weak health, but of sound and perfect mind and memory for which I have great reason to be thankful to the great giver of all gifts and have thought proper to make this my only last will and testament in manner and form following, to-wit; I give and bequeath to each of my daughters here in and after mentioned the sum following, that is to say, the heirs of my daughter Polly deceased, one dollar. Elizabeth, Sarah and Rebecca forty dollars each. And my daughter Rachel sixty dollars and Lydia the daughter of Nancy deceased, is to have a cow, one bed and one spinning wheel when she becomes of age. My daughter Rachel is also to have one cow, one bed and bedding and spinning wheel. The sundry sums may be paid to my daughters as soon as the same can be made from the produce or otherwise from the farm without injury to the estate. If it cannot be spared, it shall be paid to them when the real estate is sold, as here in after provided for.
I give and bequeath to my son John ten dollars as soon as my place is sold.
I give and bequeath to my sons James and Joseph: the north-west quarter of section of section twenty-six in the township fifteen and range sixteen to be divided by a straight line. Joseph is to have the west side.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Rachel, the use of my farm where I now live on free of rent until my youngest child becomes of age.
I give and bequeath unto my sons: Even, David and Benjamin and my wife the farm, I now live on, after my youngest child becomes of age. The executors may then sell or divide the place as they think proper. If sold, the money shall be equally divided, after my daughters is paid and my son John is paid, amongst my beloved wife Rachael, Even, David and Benjamin.
My personal property, my executors may either sell after my death or when the youngest child becomes of age as they may think proper.
I give and bequeath unto Isiah, son of my daughter Polly, deceased, fifty dollars to be taken when my land is sold or divided and the executor shall purchase land for the same and convey on title Isiah for the same.
Lastly, I do hereby appoint my beloved wife, Rachel, executrix and my sons Joseph and Even executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby authorize them or the survivor of them to do and perform all necessary acts to carry this will into effect and a good and sufficient title of my said farm make to the purchaser or purchasers.
In testimony of which, I have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty-ninth day of January in the year of our Lord A.D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven. Hereby revoking all former wills or part of wills by me made and hereby declair this to be my only last will and testament.
Ignatius Hardin [Seal]
Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the Testator to be his only and last will and testament in the presence of.
George Fiegler
Jacob Fiegler
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